
It is hard to imagine Seattle without the townhouse. In the last 15 years they have become synonymous with urban development. MJ001 delivers a fresh take on a what’s become a stale typology — by cross-referencing traditional vernacular with modern hubris to bring a recently up-zoned community in line with the ever-evolving fabric of Seattle urbanism.

 project type: 9-unit multi-family | location: Morgan Junction, Seattle, WA | client: Domain Homes, LLC | complete: TBD 2021


The courtyard is the hearth. It opens each unit to access light, air, and community. The project hinges upon this single design element.

Establishing scale at the pedestrian level is used to tie the new structure into the existing neighborhood. Most of the surrounding lots are single story craftsman-style homes that have stood for the better part of a century. With growth comes a responsibility to respond to history, existing culture, and the people that come with it.



19th + State